Dashboard Areas
Dashboard Areas
There are 3 primary windows/areas in the dashboard:
- The search and exploration area - This has multiple different tools to search for places and locations. There are also tools to explore different points of interest in a list format. Additionally, if location services are enabled on the device, it will also show nearby points of interest. For most tools, the data in this window shows up as a list. If filters are applied, the map may update accordingly.
- The information panel - When a particular record is selected from a list in the search and exploration area or an entity/point of interest is clicked on the map, the details about that place is displayed in this window. Note: When a record is selected in the search and exploration area, the map automatically zooms to its location.
- The map area - It displays all the points of interest in the database. Different icons represent the different categories. Based on the zoom level, multiple locations from a category within a specific geographical expanse are collapsed into a single icon.
Dashboard Tools
Dashboard Tools
There are different tools within the map area.
Along the top left:
- Zoom control buttons - Zooming in and out on the map area.
- Home button - Re-centers the map on the default view. The default view is set to show the entire state of Illinois within the device's screen area.
- Locate button - This uses the device's location sensors and services to show your current location on the map. This feature can be used in conjunction with the Near Me tool in the search and exploration area.
- Compass button - Shows the current orientation of the map. Tapping on it re-centers the map to the default north-south orientation.
Map Layers
The map area has a Layers button located in the top right corner. Clicking on it reveals 2 tabs.
The Layers tab lists the different categories of places in the database. Clicking on a layer toggles its visibility on the map. An invisible layer has a crossed-out eye icon beside it.
Note: Toggling the layer visibility does not affect the records in the search and exploration tools.
Map Legend
The Legend tab displays all the icons (types of places) visible in the current map area. The size of the icon represents how many points of interest of a specific type are collapsed under the visible icon for the currently visible map area and zoom level.
Note: The Legend is dynamic. It automatically updates when the visible map area changes due to user interaction. Toggling a layer's visibility also determines whether it appears on the legend or not.
Resource Map Survey
Resource Map Survey
Clicking on the Feedback Survey button takes users to a survey where they are first asked to leave a rating and then taken to a suggestion page. Users can suggest a location to be included in the database by including its name, phone number, website, location type, and a visual location finder tool.
Clicking on either the Home button or the Social Studies Network logo on the top left corner of the page takes the user back to the dashboard Homepage.